November 30, 2010
Never give up
AL team would like to share with you a true and live experience of one of our founders Joelle Kanaan, and beloved cat, Captain Hook? I had written to my dear and amazing friend in Holland, Agnes, to help me find homes for some of the cats at the shelter.

November 30, 2010
Great news to start the new year right!
The new year got off to a great start when the President of AL, Lana El-Khalil, became Lebanon?s Ambassador to World Animal Day.

November 30, 2010
Taking TNR a big step forward
We weren?t sure if we had missed her?  It was midnight and the plane had landed an hour before.  Rebecca, one of our advisors, was arriving for her first time in Lebanon.

November 30, 2010
A cat wouldn't give up
During the war in 2006, hundreds of people fled the country in a panic and had no way of taking their beloved pets with them.

November 30, 2010
Animals Lebanon turns one year old
Just twelve months ago we wrote to you announcing the founding of Animals Lebanon, and today we are happy to announce our first anniversary.

November 30, 2010
Tis the season of giving
Little Moyebi was abandoned as a tiny kitten, only days old. Lifeless and barely breathing, hourly care by the staff and volunteers of Animals Lebanon brought him back to health and gave him his first chance to truly be a playful kitten.

November 30, 2010
TNR saves campus cats
Some weeks ago, the cats living on the campus of the Lebanese American University (LAU) in Beirut were targeted as being a nuisance after a few people on campus complained of being bitten by insects.

© 2020 Animals Lebanon. All rights reserved.
Registered Charity #1036, Founded 9 Sept. 2008 | PO Box 113-5859, Beirut, Lebanon | Contact us